REKESh Comp 应用

17/03/2013 **** for CURRENT INFO visitwww.cardio3.comNEWS 03/04/2012 ***** We expanded the atlas upon unique chapterof the left atrium pathologies. The new LA chapter comprise Normalanatomy, Foramen ovale, Atrial septal defects and Masses (Thrombiand Myxomas)Authors : Josef Necas, M.D., Sylva Kovalova, M.D., Centre ofCardiovascular Surgery and Transplantation, Brno , CzechRepublicCARDIO3® Atlas of Three-dimensional Echocardiography -reference/learning tool for cardiologists, cardiac surgeons,internists, other physicians, and sonographers evaluating 3Dechocardiograms for ultrasound diagnosis.In our atlas we have collected typical as well as rare andsometimes even bizarre of real-time three-dimensionaltransesophageal echocardiography (RT-3D TEE) findings we meet indaily routine.The first chapter deals with mitral valve pathology and issubdivided into several sections: normal mitral valve andfunctional regurgitation, prolapse, Barlow disease, infectiveendocarditis, mitral stenosis, mitral valvuloplasty ring, mitralprosthesis (mechanical and biological) and various.Second chapter deals with aortic valve pathology. The thirdchapter comprises both normal findings and pathology of the leftatrium and surrounding structures.Other chapters like congenital heart defects are coming soon.
CARDIO3® EPA - Lite 1.0
CARDIO3® Atlas of Cardiac Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia
Můj®Lékař 1.0.1
Hledáte lékaře kvůli vyšetření nebo léčbě?S potěšením Vám představujeme BETA verzi mobilní aplikaceMůj®Lékař. Vyslyšeli jsme požadavky našich pacientů a jako prvnímodul jsme připravili systém vyhledávání lékaře podle specializacea aktuální pozice, případně města v ČR.REAKCE NA KOMENTÁŘE UŽIVATELŮad Petr: Pokud máte na mysli hodnocení lékařů, tak toto není vplánu jako součást aplikace a to z několika logických důvodů.Hodnocení lékaře po odborné stránce, tj. výsledky léčby jehopacientů, je věc natolik složitá, že ani Ministerstvo zdravotnictvítyto analýzy nezveřejňuje, protože je nemá. Nato slouží rozsáhléstudie a statistiky, které jsou prováděny na úrovni pracovišť anemocnic a tyto jsou publikovány v odborných časopisech, kteréběžný pacient nečte. Proto nemá dostatek informací, aby mohlhodnotit práci lékaře po odborné stránce.Připravujeme další moduly aplikace, například databázi léků propacienta (tzv. příbalové letáky) nebo seznamy léčebných postupu avyšetřovacích metod (popis a informace pacienta před výkonem),které doufáme kompenzují absenci hodnocení lékařů.Protože informace v databázi se ještě upřesňují, může se stát, žedata o nalezeném lékaři nejsou úplně správná. Prosíme proto ochvíli strpení - pracujeme na tom. Konečná verze bude publikovánaco nejdříve. Případně nám můžete zaslat upozornění přímo z aplikace(viz. Detail lékaře).Současně připravujeme další moduly aplikace, které Vám usnadníorientaci v složitém systému zdravotnictví v ČR.V případě, že objevíte v aplikaci funkční chybu, prosíme ozaslání upozornění na kontaktní email.Looking for a doctor forexamination or treatment?We are pleased to present the BETA version of the mobileapplication Můj®Lékař. We listened to the needs of our patients andthe first module we prepared the system for searching a doctor byspecialty and current position, or city in the country.REACTION TO USER COMMENTSPetr ad: If you mean the assessment of doctors, so this is notplanned as part of the application for a number of logical reasons.Rating doctor professionally, ie. The results of the treatment ofhis patients is a matter so complex that even the Ministry ofHealth does not publish such an analysis, because it is not. Natomaintains an extensive studies and statistics that are implementedat workplaces and hospitals, and these are published in scientificjournals that the average patient reads. Therefore, it does nothave enough information to be able to evaluate the doctor's workprofessionally.We prepare other application modules, such as a database ofdrugs to the patient (ie. Leaflets) or lists of medical proceduresand investigative methods (information and a description of thepatient before surgery), which we hope compensate for the lack ofassessment of physicians. Because the information in the database is still being determined,it may happen that the data on the identified doctors are notentirely correct. Please therefore wait a moment - we are workingon it. The final version will be published as soon as possible.Alternatively, you can send alerts directly from the application(see. Detail doctor).At the same time we are preparing other application modules,which will make orientation in the complex health care system inthe Czech Republic.In the event that you discover a bug in the function, pleasesend alerts to email contact.
CARDIO3® 3D ECHO - Lite 1.0
09/04/2013 **** Aortic Valve, The LeftAtriumand Congenital Heart Defects images were added to samplesdatabase17/03/2013 **** for CURRENT INFO visit www.cardio3.com13/02/2012 - Finally we have launched the full version ofthisatlas :) See CARDIO3® 3D ECHO in the list of our apps.01/13/2012 we have included the normal anatomy and pathologyofthe aortic valve images to the underlying database :) let thedemonselect cases :)Do you have an interesting case in your clinical practice? Tobea contributor? Mail to ...****** Lite version offers the list of sampleechocardiograms,updated on daily basis. The app requires Internetconnection.Authors : Josef Necas, M.D., Sylva Kovalova, M.D., CentreofCardiovascular Surgery and Transplantation, Brno ,CzechRepublicCARDIO3® Atlas of Three-dimensional Echocardiography-reference/learning tool for cardiologists, cardiacsurgeons,internists, other physicians, and sonographers evaluating3Dechocardiograms for ultrasound diagnosis.In our atlas we have collected typical as well as rareandsometimes even bizarre of real-timethree-dimensionaltransesophageal echocardiography (RT-3D TEE)findings we meet indaily routine.The first chapter deals with mitral valve pathology andissubdivided into several sections: normal mitral valveandfunctional regurgitation, prolapse, Barlow disease,infectiveendocarditis, mitral stenosis, mitral valvuloplasty ring,mitralprosthesis (mechanical and biological) and various.Other chapters including aortic valve disease or normalanatomyand abnormalities of the left atrium are coming soon.
17/03/2013 **** for CURRENT***** Review by Pavel557755 (April 2, 2012, USAndroidMarket)Great learning tool! I downloaded this app and was amazed atthequality of the played videos available. Excellent learning toolforanyone learning ECHO or cardiac anomalies! I had no problemloadingand viewing its content on my device.***** Review by Jeffrey (August 5, 2011, US Android Market -Liteversion)First Class Compendium. Outstanding, extensive collection ofimages.Enlightening even with 25+ years echo experience. Essentialtool fortrainees, board review and reference._______________________________CARDIO3® Comprehensive Atlas of Echocardiography(ISBN80-969114-8-1) - reference/learning tool for cardiologists,cardiacsurgeons, internists, other physicians, and sonographersevaluatingechocardiograms for ultrasound diagnosis.IMPORTANT: If you see any bug please DON'T RATE BAD but sendusan email! We'll fix it ASAP!*** We currently support video for VGA (640x480), WVGA (800x480)andhigher resolution displays.NOTE: The app requires Internet connection, however almosteachvideo loop is less than 2 seconds short therefore easy todownloadand view even over a slower connection.Edited by Roman Kerekes, MD, Cardiac Center, PodlesiHospitala.s., Trinec, Czech RepublicContributors : Terry D Bauch M.D., FACC Associate,CardiologyService, Geisinger Health System, Wilkes-Barre,PennsylvaniaJaroslav Januska M.D.Libor Sknouril M.D., Hospital Podlesi a.s., CardiacCentre,TrinecPetr Tousek M.D., 3rd Internal and Cardio-angiologyDepartment,University Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady, PragueDan Marek M.D., Ph.D., Department of Internal MedicineI,University Hospital in OlomoucVit Reznicek M.D., Invasive Cardiology, Department ofInternalMedicine III, General Teaching Hospital, 1st MedicalFaculty ofCharles University PragueMiroslav Brtko, M.D., Cardiac Center, Cardiac SurgeryDepartment,Charles’ University and Faculty Hospital, HradecKraloveLothar Faber, M.D., Cardiovascular Ultrasound Laboratory, DeptofCardiology, Heart Center NRW, University Clinic oftheRuhr-University, Bochum, Bad Oeynhausen, GermanyMartin Penicka, M.D., Ph.D., 3rd InternalandCardio-angiologyDepartment, University Hospital Kralovske VinohradyCopyright© 2013 REKESh Comp Ltd.
Learning tool for physicians evaluating interventional images incardiology.
ENDO3®GASTRO - Lite 1.0.1
NEWS **************************************06/30/2012 IMPORTANT! Update to the new version to keep thisappworking after July 1, 2012 when our new media serverlaunches02/17/2012 - Finally we have launched the full version ofthisatlas :) See ENDO3® GASTRO in the list of our apps.09/24/2011 - we have launched a CASE-OF-THE-DAY program forthisLite version :)*** WiFi recommended ***This app is a Lite version of ENDO3® Atlas ofGastrointestinalEndoscopy, endo3®GI project (ISBN 80-969617-0-5)-reference/learning tool for gastroenterologists,surgeons,internists, and other physicians evaluating endoscopy fordiagnosisof gastrointestinal disease.Authors: Assoc. Prof. Radan Keil, M.D., Ph.D., JanStovicekM.D.GI Endoscope Laboratory, Department of Internal Medicine,MotolHospital, 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University in Prague,CzechRepublicEdited by Roman Kerekes, M.D., REKESh Comp Ltd., Prague, CZ****** FEATURES- the app requires Internet connection, we recommend WiFi - cca3MB the videos must download completely before played !- endoscopy database of the Lite version is periodicallyupdated****** SUPPORTFeel free to visit our endoscopy website WWW.ENDO3.EUforsupport. In case of any issue we respond to your emails quicklyatemail address info@endo3.euAll content copyright 2011 REKESh Comp Ltd.
CARDIO3® ECHO - Lite 1.2
Lite version of learning tool for physicians evaluatingechocardiograms.
Learning tool for gastroenterologists performing endoscopy.